sábado, 14 de maio de 2011

sábado, 7 de maio de 2011

Left Behind-Slipknot

Clip da música Left Behind,uma das minhas músicas favoritas do Slip :)

Homenagem a Paul Gray

Video feito para homenagear o baixista Paul Gray...com a música Till We Die,traduzida :)

Depoimentos de Corey,Shawn e Joey sobre a volta so Slipknot

Shawn, Corey e Joey dão depoimentos sobre os shows do Slipknot em 2011 e expectativas para um novo álbum. Entrevistas realizadas durante o Revolver Golden Gods em 20 de Abril de 2011.

Ingressos Rock In Rio

Encerram hoje dia 07/05/11 as vendas dos ingressos para o Rock In Rio 2011 dos dias 23/24/25 de Setembro e dos dias 01 e 02 de outubro.Os ingressos para esses dias apartir de agora só serão vendidos nos quiosques instalados em shoppings do Rio de Janeiro.
Os Pontos de venda são: BARRASHOPPING (perto da entrada M)
Avenida das Américas, 4666 - Barra da Tijuca
RIO SUL (perto da entrada principal)
Rua Lauro Müller, 116 - Botafogo
SHOPPING NOVA AMÉRICA (perto da entrada principal)
Av. Pastor Martin Luther King Júnior, 126 - Inhaúma
O preço continua o mesmo até o dia 01/06 a partir desse dia aumenta para R$200,00.

Rock'N'Rio 2011

A banda foi confirmada assim que o eventou começou a ser divulgado,o primeiro lote do evento se esgotaram rapidamente e começaram a ser vendidos a partir da 00:01 da madrugada de sexta feira 06/05/01 pelo site do evento. www.rockinrio.com.br.
Os ingressos custam R$:190,00 a inteira,e podem ser comprados pelo site,ou em quiosques localizados em shoppings para quem mora no Rio De Janeiro.A venda pelo site é somente com cartão de crédito,enquanto nos pontos de venda podem ser adiquidiridos tanto com o cartão de crédito ou débito,para clientes Itaú desfrutam de um desconto de 15% na compra dos ingressos.
A banda vai tocar no dia 25 de Setembro.

Happy Birthday Paul

Today is a day that will have a special place in my heart forever.  It’s a special day for all, for not only me and the guys in our band and families, but for everyone to put smiles across their faces and to celebrate the emotion and beauty of one of the greatest souls to ever grace music and humanity.  I spent all of last night watching our videos since our days as little kids who had a dream and fuck, Paul we did make that dream come true.  I fell asleep last night only to wake up minutes ago with a smile on my face as my slumbers were filled with memories I’d long forgot.  Even as I write this my eyes are getting a little watery.  He loves all of you who embraced his music.  God bless to Brenna, October and all his friends and family as well.  I wish that all of you that couldn’t share time with Paul will by playing his records ‘til your ceilings crack and your ears bleed and by celebrating his memory in the glory that it is.  I love you Paul and I’ll see you again soon, but not yet…not yet.  Hail Paul, hail Slipknot.  Your friend,

From Joey's Facebook..

Revolver Golden Gods Murderdolls Interview

Joey and Wednesday stop by to say hi to Full Metal Jackie. Check out what's new with the Murderdolls.

New interview from on The Black Carpet at the Golden Gods!

Pandie Suicide of BareBonesMusic.com caught up with Wednesday 13 and Joey Jordison from the MURDERDOLLS on the Black Carpet for the 2011 Revolver Golden Gods Awards. Joey talks about the preparations for the upcoming SLIPKNOT shows.

Joey: “Esses shows serão um triunfo” 03/03/2011

Joey Jordison falou na Kerrang sobre os primeiros shows que o Slipknot vai fazer após a morte de Paul, confira um trecho:
“Vai ser bizarro, eu acho de verdade que Paul está conosco em espírito. Eu tenho veneno nas veias agora, eu já estou pensando nisso, quando nós entrarmos no palco, só os oito.. não sei nem se vamos durar uma música. Talvez a gente destrua tudo”
O Slipknot começa a fazer shows em Junho, no Sonisphere e passa pelo Brasil dia 25/09 no Rock in Rio.

Joey Jordison interview for Kerrang

Na última edição da Kerrang, onde Joey foi capa, ele fala um pouco sobre Paul, o Slipknot e como eles se conheceram. Confira alguns trechos da entrevista:
Com a morte de seu melhor amigo e companheiro de banda, 2010 foi um  dos anos mais difíceis da vida de Joey Jordison. Em uma entrevista rara, ele fala para a Kerrang sobre o que ele vem passando nos últimos nove meses e o que espera do futuro.

Ano passado, no dia 24 de maio, Joey estava voltando da turnê americana com Rob Zombie. Era uma situação comum, ele já esteve nessa banda milhares de vezes antes, além do Slipknot, Murderdolls e aparições no Korn, Satyricon, Ministry e Metallica, como foi o caso em 2004. Foi quando seu telefone tocou e seu mundo virou de cabeça para baixo. Era seu empresário ligando para dar a terrível notícia que seu melhor amigo – e companheiro de banda no Slipknot – Paul Gray, havia sido encontrado morto em um hotel em Iowa. Ele tinha 38 anos.
Joey, que é uma pessoa extremamente privada em todas as circunstâncias, não quis falar na época sobre o que estava passando desde que Paul faleceu. Mas hoje ele quer falar com a Kerrang e vamos deixar suas palavras falarem por ele. Esse é Joey Jordison na escuridão e na luz, no passado, presente e futuro.

Há quanto tempo você está na estrada?
Cara… eu nunca não estou na estrada, é constante. Desde que o Slipknot começou em 1999 eu não parei. Sou super orgulhoso de tudo o que fiz, não faria nada de diferente. Sou uma das pessoas mais sortudas que já andou nesse planeta. E meus pais eram tipo “Bom, é isso que ele quer fazer pelo resto da vida dele”. E no meu aniversário, eu cheguei da escola e eles me pediram pra ir no porão pegar um disco do Elton John. Eu pensei “Por que? Cadê meus presentes?”. Então eu fui pegar o disco e quando cheguei lá vi minha primeira bateria. Desde aquele dia minha vida mudou.
Sua amizade com o Paul começou por causa da música quando vocês eram bem jovens não é?
Sim, a gente se conheceu quando a minha banda, o Modifidious, tocou e a banda dele (Vex) abriu. Quando a gente começou a tocar ele começou o pit sozinho e eu pensei “esse cara é demais!”. Éramos duas crianças e foi rápido, e ficamos amigos desde aquela época. Duas crianças que saiam e ficavam ouvindo Death Metal.
E ai veio o Slipknot.
Essa coisa toda do Slipknot é bem interessante, porque Paul vinha me visitar no posto onde eu trabalhava. Eu lembro que eu estava no caixa e ele chegou, e a gente tinha uns planos de começar uma banda juntos. Eu tinha saído do Modifidious e ele estava fazendo alguma coisa com Shawn (Clown). No começo eu não estava interessado, mas ele me convenceu a ver o que ele e Shawn estavam fazendo.
E como isso foi pra você?
Se não fosse pelo Paul, o Slipknot nunca teria começado. Foi ele que me empurrou para a banda. Ele me enganou, mas de uma maneira maravilhosa porque olha só o que nós fizemos. Eu sou a pessoa mais feliz do mundo por ter tido o Paul em minha vida.
Como você descobriu que ele havia morrido?
Isso é muito… muito ruim. A maneira que eu descobri. Eu havia chegado em Des Moines depois de uma turnê com o Rob Zombie e estava animado por finalmente ter um tempo pra descansar em casa. Quando eu entrei no avião, liguei meu celular e meu empresário me ligou e disse “Paul acabou de morrer”, eu fiquei sem reação. Eu estava num avião, do lado de algumas pessoas e estava tentando manter a compostura, mesmo querendo literalmente destruir tudo. Eu tentei ficar calmo e perguntei porque ele estava me dizendo aquilo naquela hora, ele poderia ter esperando até eu chegar em casa. Mas percebi que ele me disse porque não queria que eu ouvisse isso de mais ninguém. Eu entrei em choque. Tentei me acalmar e meu celular começou a acender como uma árvore de natal. Eu fiquei lá, tentando não cair em lágrimas e quebrar meu celular. Ali, no avião.
Após a morte do Paul, você achou que o Slipknot iria acabar?
Não, eu nunca pensei isso, a gente nunca pensou em desistir. Sabíamos que devíamos continuar. Meu amigo morreu mas ele não ia querer que a gente desistisse. O Slipknot não se resume a quem está na banda. O Slipknot é uma vida, uma força. É uma conexão entre muitas pessoas.


© 2010 WMG Purchase Women and Children last-Music video for Nowhere music

Murderdolls Interview Of Capital Chaos

The Mighty Z of Capital Chaos interviews Joey Jordison & Wednesday 13 of Murderdolls @ Ace Of Spades~Sacramento, California 4/22/11
Slipknot is not going to die. It’s a lifeforce, man
Joey Jordison

Biography Of Joey Jordison

Jordison was born at Mercy Hospital in Des Moines, Iowa on April 26, 1975.He grew up in a rural area outside of Waukee where he used to play basketball on the street in front of his house. He embraced music at an early age, which he attributes to the influence of his parents: "they always sat me down in front of the radio, rather than the TV." He played guitar until receiving his first drum kit as a gift from his parents at age eight, and started his first band while in elementary school. At a young age, Jordison's parents divorced; he and his two younger sisters stayed with their mother. His mother remarried and set up a funeral parlor where Jordison would occasionally help. Jordison has stated he felt a sudden responsibility to be the man of the house, and this responsibility turned him into a more mature person at a young age.
Jordison did not enjoy his time at school, admitting he "was really introverted and didn't have many friends." His grades suffered due to his focus on music.Despite being involved in multiple projects, he did not have his first serious band until he was fifteen. He formed Modifidious in which he played drums. He later described them as "total speed-metal thrash". The band helped Jordison break new ground, playing for live crowds in support of local bands including Atomic Opera, which featured Jim Root, and Heads On The Wall, which featured Shawn Crahan. After a multitude of line-up changes including the presence of Craig Jones and Josh Brainard—who would later appear in Slipknot—the band released two demos in 1993: Visceral and Mud Fuchia.
After leaving school, Jordison was hired by a local music store called Musicland. In March 1994, after a recommendation from his new friend, he got a job at a Sinclair garage in Urbandale. Jordison worked the night shift, which he preferred, as it left his weekends free and allowed him to spend time with his friends and listen to music while working. In early 1995, Modifidious disbanded because of a shift in interest from thrash metal to death metal in America. Following this Jordison joined a local band called The Rejects as a guitarist, with whom he only played a couple of shows. Jordison was also involved in a band with Paul Gray, formed mostly as a joke called Anal Blast. Gray also attempted to recruit him for another band, Body Pit, but he declined the invitation to remain in The Rejects.

Music career


On November 28, 1995, Mark Anthony Cadavos approached Jordison while he was working, offering him a position in a new project called The Pale Ones.Intrigued and at a point where he was "lost", Jordison attended rehearsals at Anders Colsefini's basement and immediately wanted to be part of this new band. Speaking of this moment he said, "I remember trying so hard not to smile, so I didn't look like I wanted to join, I remained poker-faced, but I thought they ruled."A lot of Slipknot's early development was discussed by band members while Jordison worked night shifts at Sinclair's garage. Slipknot would become pioneers to the New Wave of American Heavy Metal. Jordison is accompanied by two custom percussionists, giving their music a feel that Rolling Stone touted as "suffocating".
Each member of Slipknot is assigned a number; Joey was assigned "#1". Joey has produced one album with Slipknot: 2005 live album 9.0: Live. In August, 2008, Jordison broke his ankle and Slipknot had to cancel some of its England tour dates On August 22, 2009, Jordison was taken to the emergency room for a burst appendix,less than an hour before he was to take the stage for Auburn, Washington's KISW Pain in the Grass concert. As a result, Slipknot canceled following shows in August and September, to give Jordison time to recover.
In August 2010 Jordison was voted the best drummer of the past 25 years by readers of Rhythm magazine. Competitors included Mike Portnoy, Neil Peart, Phil Collins, Dave Grohl etc. When asked to comment he stated "I'm at a loss for words. This is beyond unbelievable. Something like this reminds me every day why I continue to do this."


While touring Ozzfest in 2001 to support Slipknot's studio album Iowa, Jordison met Tripp Eisen, then of Static-X; the two discussed forming a side project. In 2002, Jordison revived his band The Rejects, renaming them the Murderdolls.Jordison became the Murderdoll's guitarist, and he recruited Wednesday 13 of Frankenstein Drag Queens from Planet 13 to play bass. Wednesday eventually became a vocalist, while drummer Ben Graves and bassist Eric Griffin completed the band's lineup.Murderdolls signed with Roadrunner Records and released an EP entitled Right to Remain Violent in 2002. The band returned in August 2002 with their debut album Beyond the Valley of the Murderdolls.The band uses horror films, including Friday the 13th and Night of the Living Dead, as an inspiration for their lyrics.On October 30, 2002, the Murderdolls made an appearance on an episode of Dawson's Creek entitled "Living Dead Girl". The band reunited in 2010 with only Jordison and Wednesday 13 remaining from the original line-up. The band release their second studio album Women & Children Last on August 31, 2010.The band embarked on the extensive Women & Children Last World Tour performing shows alongside many notable acts such as Guns N' Roses and performing around the world. The tour was sparked with many problems including the cancellation of many shows and repeated incidents of Jordison storming off stage, most notably in Bordeaux, France and Perth, Western Australia. The tour is scheduled to wrap up in April of 2011.

Other musical endeavors 

In 2001, Jordison worked on a remix of "The Fight Song" by Marilyn Manson. Jordison also appeared in the music video for Manson's cover of "Tainted Love." Later in the year, Manson revealed that Jordison had been working with him on his new album The Golden Age of Grotesque. Jordison had in fact worked on guitars but the track did not appear on the album. In 2004, Jordison appeared on OTEP's album House of Secrets, drumming on six tracks for the album. In 2008, Jordison appeared on Puscifer's album "V" is for Viagra. The Remixes, with a remix of the track "Drunk With Power."In 2010, Jordison recorded four additional songs with Rob Zombie for the re-release of his latest album Hellbilly Deluxe 2.
Jordison has performed with other bands, solely as a touring member. While preparing for the Download Festival in 2004, Metallica drummer Lars Ulrich was hospitalized for an unknown illness. Metallica's vocalist James Hetfield searched amongst other bands performing at the festival to find a replacement for Ulrich; Jordison and Dave Lombardo of Slayer volunteered. Jordison performed on 9 of the 12 songs that made up the set and was called the band's "hero of the day".In late 2004, Jordison performed with Satyricon on their tour of the United States when drummer Frost was refused entry into the country. The tour was cut short after guitarists Steinar Gundersen and Arnt Gronbech—who were also only touring members—were charged with sexually assaulting a fan in Toronto. In 2006, Jordison joined Ministry for their "MasterBaTour 2006" which consisted of sixty dates across the United States and Canada. He also appeared in the music video for their single "Lies Lies Lies". Korn recruited Jordison in 2007 to join them on tour when drummer David Silveria went on hiatus from the band. While touring with Korn, Jordison set a record by becoming the first musician ever to perform on five different occasions at the Download Festival in England. Jordison also began touring with Rob Zombie after Tommy Clufetos withdrew from the band. Although the position was initially only meant for a couple of months, Jordison stayed with the band for almost a year until the culmination of Zombie's Australian tour when he announced that he would be leaving to focus his time on the Murderdolls and Slipknot.


In August 2004, Jordison became involved in Roadrunner United, a celebration of Roadrunner Records' 25th anniversary. As one of four "team captains" who wrote and produced material for the album,Jordison said of the experience, "I thought it was a great idea and was really excited about it, because it was a chance to work with a lot of artists that I really respected while I was growing up." In 2007, 3 Inches of Blood recruited Jordison to produce their album Fire Up the Blades. Jordison is a fan of the band and when he heard that Roadrunner wanted to have some demos produced he said; "I was the first one to jump at it, I'm like; 'I want this fucking band'."From these demos the label commissioned a record. Vocalist Jamie Hopper said of Jordison, "he's an amazing producer".